The condition colloquially is known as Habsburg jaw, Habsburg lip or Austrian Lip due to its prevalence in that bloodline. The trait is easily traceable in portraits of Habsburg family members.
It is alleged to have been derived from Cymburgis of Masovia from the Masovian Piast Dynasty when she married into the Habsburgs and passed her protruding lip to her offspring. This would become a particular physical characteristic of most members of the Habsburg family for many generations until the 18th century. Not only did Cymburgis have a protruding lip, tradition has it that she was also known for her exceptional strength, which, for example, she showed by driving nails into the wall with her bare hands and cracking nuts between her fingers.
Traits such as mandibular prognathism that were common to royal families are believed to have been passed on and exaggerated over time through royal intermarriage which caused acute inbreeding. Due to the large amount of politically motivated intermarriage among Habsburgs, the dynasty was virtually unparalleled in the degree of its inbreeding. Charles II of
By the way, Marie Antoinette had abnormal prognathism and was considered to be quite beautiful!